Alloy Enclosed Wheel Nuts for Rear & Front Wheels 1 set of 4 Nuts Blue Serrated Back for a better Grip Fit Losi KM X2 30N DTT…
LT 5ive Wheel Nuts for Rear & Front Wheels 1 set of 4 Nuts RED Serrated Back for a better Grip Fit Rovan / Rofun LT 5ive KM X2 30N DTT…
Rovan / Rofun Pit LT 5ive Pit Box Parts Screws & Nuts Kit Plus These kits are designed to save the day when you're at your local track and you break something or loose some hardware. Consisting of a generous supply of the most commonly damaged/lost hardware this kit will be one of the most handy items to have in your toolbox.…
Rovan Pit Box Parts Screws & Nuts Kit These kits are designed to save the day when you're at your local track and you break something or loose some hardware. Consisting of a generous supply of the most commonly damaged/lost hardware this kit will be one of the most handy items to have in your toolbox.…